After reading this small section of “Occam’s Razor” by Bill Jay, I am curious to read the full book. The section “The Thing Itself” was concise and exactly what I think we, as “young photographers”, need to read. One thing most people enjoy about photography is the fact that it shows exactly the way something or someone looked at a particular time in a particular moment. We use it as “a primary instrument for investigating the details of reality and an essential tool in just about every aspect of life.” However, we cannot be interested in every photograph or subject.

The advice given had an impact on me. “What are you really interested in? In other words: What is it that can sustain your enthusiasm for a long time?”  “What would you be doing if there was no such thing as a camera?” Scary thought- the world without a camera. Scarier thought- deciding what single subject matter would keep my interest in photography for a lifetime. This encouragement to fire our enthusiasm and stray way from subjects we assume will be praised is what I think we should all take way from this reading. As students who are all interested in photography, I think it is important to hold that interest and expand on it as much as we possibly can while we are here and after. This does not mean we have to put emphasis on our individual style, but rather too want to keep learning and engage “in a quest for self-knowing.”